This week marks the 3rd anniversary of the passing of Obamacare, and we would like to take this opportunity to ask for your comments on Obamacare.  As a leader of the ARP party, we know how you feel about how bad this act was, and would like to hear your stories.  Also, we would like to share the following information with you:

              -Only 37 percent of Americans approve of Obamacare
              -With Obamacare, there has been $165 billion in new taxes
              -It costs almost twice as much as Democrats said it would

Also, please enjoy this funny pictures about Obamacare


    This blog is written by Christina Miller, the ARP's communications director.   The purpose of the blog is to keep the ARP members informed of what is going on within the party and the world of politics.   


    April 2013
    March 2013

